Ausstellung vom 05.02.2020 bis 27.02.2020

Maysa Mohamad / Bilder – Öl
Maqam Al Saba

The Syrian born artist, Maysa studied at the fine Art university in Syria, in 1984. A multi-faced, vibrant personality, who has several television productions to her credit, started exhibition her art works only a few years ago. Maysa healded the television world as a director and an anchor. The stage finds its place in her canvas to narrate the stories of common man. She brings with her the ethos of human endeavor and the constant search which is not hers alone.

More details:

Vernissage: Mittwoch 05.02.2020 / 18.00 – 21 Uhr
Finissage: Donnerstag 27.02.2020 / 17.00 – 21 Uhr

Keller Galerie:
Heidi Suter
Selnaustrasse 15 (Ecke Sihlamtstrasse)
8001 Zürich
Tel: 044 202 09 63 / 079 329 58 56

Di – Fr 14.00 – 18.00 Uhr
Sa 11.00 – 17.00 Uhr